Saturday 12 May 2012

Looking Back........

After reviewing the work that I completed for the Republic Design Award I am extremley pleased with how I have developed. Two years ago when I first began my design course I found it very frustrating as I never fully managed to grasp the tasks given to me, but after making mistakes and learning from them and pushing myself I find my college work a lot more enjoyable.

Presenting and professionalism of presentation boards have always been my weaker spot but one I was fully aware needed to be developed in order to keep moving forward with my course. For the Republic Design Award I set myself the task to design professional but creative looking presentation boards and I believe I achieved this. I allocated my time well with this project and made sure I was spending a adequate amount of time designing the overall appearance of my presentation boards. I really think by using my previous strong points such as time managment have helped me to develop other areas of my work. In previous tasks I haven't put as much effort into certain areas of my work but I have tried my best to stay enthusiastic and motivated throughout this project.

At the beginning of the year I also had decided that my computer skills needed to be pushed as I had become more and more under confident about using computers. As times progresses and I.T clearly is a big proportion of modern society I only had a very basic knowledge when using a computer and attempting to enter an industry which needs to stay current at all times it was enevitable I was going to fall behind. Fortunately for me I managed to learn a few basic skills on computer programs I had never used before, like Photoshop and apply these to my projects where necessary. Again, they are quite general Photoshop skills that I have picked up but ones that I can strive to develop further in future ambitions.

Overall I feel I am definetley a different person than when I first began my degree 2 years ago and am seriously looking forward to completing the next 2 years of my course. Who knows what skills I might have by then???

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